The Dad From Arrested Development in Prison Again in the Accountant

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Reading Skills


Reading Skills

1 Read the championship of the text and the headings below. What practise you think the text is about? Q Mind, read and bank check.

E     Mutual TRICK

2 Read over again and match each posting (one-4) with a heading (A-F). At that place is one heading that you do not need to utilise. Which words/phrases helped you to detect the answers?

three Match the underlined words/phrases with their meanings: got into by force; trusting/hands tricked; modest/minor; take someone's attention abroad from something; was deceived; recently; in shock; remove information technology with a cloth; unexpectedly. And then explain the words in bold.


Law-breaking & the law

4 Use words from the text to consummate the tabular array.


Take YOU BEEN THE VICTIM OF A Law-breaking?


Tue Oct 26 16:34:06

A couple of months agone, received a letter of the alphabet out of the blue saying I'd won a prize in an international lottery. I couldn't even think buying a ticket! Anyway, I contacted the people the letter was from, who asked me to send them a 'fee' to process my winnings. Like an idiot, I fell for it and sent them the coin. I realised it was a scam when I didn't hear from them again. And so basically, the 'prizes' don't be. These terrible fraudsters are just trying to trick gullible people (similar me!) into sending them money. The police say they've been investigating this crime for a while now, but they haven't found the culprits still.


Mon Nov 1 09:03:12

Burglars recently broke into our house while we were sleeping upstairs! My sister and I heard a noise, so we woke up our dad, who chosen the police. By the time the police arrived, though, the burglars had gone. While we were checking what they had taken, a neighbour reported a burglary at their house too. The police caught them red- handed! My dad'southward got to requite evidence in court in a few weeks!

b Which of the crimes is most serious? Compare with a partner, for which of these crimes would someone:

•    go to court • pay a fine • become to prison
•    get off with a warning • do community service

five Choose the correct words. Check in the Word List.

 1 Adam has got to get to court for a driving offence/criminal offence.

Peradventure you've been taken for a ride by a con artist or been the victim of some other petty crime? Or maybe the crime was something more serious? Let's see what our readers say.


Thur Oct 28 11:14:32

I used to think crime was merely something that happened to other people until I got mugged on the way dwelling from school concluding year. The attacker only came out of nowhere, threatened me with a knife, grabbed my mobile phone and ran away. Fortunately, I was able to identify the mugger from a photo at the police station. He was a well-known criminal in the surface area, so the police knew where to find him. Anyway, he confessed to the criminal offense, the police arrested him, and he received a 2-year prison sentence! I was shaken up and bruised, but it could accept been a lot worse. I even got my phone back!


Sat Oct xxx 20:11:54

I was out shopping in the town centre when suddenly, something that looked like bird mess landed on my shoulder! Immediately, a so-called passer by appeared with a cloth to wipe information technology off. It wasn't until I reached for my wallet to purchase something that I realised it had been stolen. When I reported the criminal offence to the constabulary, I was told that this has been happening a lot lately. These people are professional pickpockets, who utilize any means they can to distract their victims!

2    The burglars were arrested and taken/driven to courtroom.
3    It'south unlawful/illegal to trespass on private property.
4    The estimate announced/found him guilty of murder.
5    The murderer received a life sentence/ imprisonment.
half-dozen    There were no witnesses/suspects to the blow.

 6 Complete the exchanges with the verbs below in the right tense/form.

•    arrest • appear • confess • chase • pay
•    get • let • find • make • sentence
•    captive • break

1    A: Have you lot ever......... the law?
      B: Well, I once had to............ a fine for speeding!

2    A: Did the the burglary?
      B: Yes, the police have .............him and he'southward .......... in court on Th.

iii    A: Then the thieves didn't...........away with the robbery then?
      B: No, they didn't. The security guards    ............ after them, so they didn't manage to with the money.

4    A: Did the gauge ............ the human being guilty of unsafe driving?
      B: Yes, but he ...... him off with just a heavy fine.

5    A: Is it true that your neighbour has just been ...... of fraud?
      B: Yes, he has ten years in prison.


7  Continue the story. Use these words: out of the blue, mug, take hold of, attack, threaten, identify, criminal


Think!  What does the proverb mean? Do you agree with it? Why/Why not?

!  Words of Wisdom

Crime doesn't pay.

Английский язык. 11 класс : учеб. для общеобразоват. учреждений / [О.В. Афанасьева, Дж.Дули, И.В. Михеева и др.]. - two-е изд., доп. и перераб. - М.: Express Publishing : Просвещение, 2009. - 244 с. : ил. - (Английский в фокусе).

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